"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next."

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My extra Spark

Little Kazuma, you have given me one more thing to look forward to every day. Coming home to carry you, to change your diaper, to rock you to sleep; to spend the weekend with you--is a delicious cherry on top of my pie. You have added an extra spark to my world. I love you to pieces!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Update: October 9

My mind is nearly blank now as I sit to write this post--mentally exhausted from the added responsibility of baby's coming. This coming weekend is Kazuma's one-month medical check. Everything that has led up to here from the moment we found out that Fay was pregnant 9 months ago almost feels like it's coming down on me now. 
Then, of course, there's the life I'd like to live which I feel even more limited and unable to with a busier schedule. The goals I set, the time-line for them, and the ambition that propelled them through unideal circumstances, is now completely on hold. And time doesn't stop. 
Meanwhile, Kenji and Deryk's personalities are crystallizing in an increasing measure by the day, perhaps also with this change and added pressure. We're expecting quite a bit more of them, trying to keep them on a tighter leash. All that to say, life has been pretty tough this past while.