Kenji and Deryk, I know that I breathe down your necks while I'm with you. I don't give you your time of day when I come home after work and I find out that you didn't do what you were told. Even in things as small as hiding out in your room playing computer games when you're supposed to be doing your homework I tell you that you lose your entire weekend computer time. Kenji, I lecture you for 20 minutes sometimes when you have an attitude problem. And Deryk, I send you to bed when you can't stop whining.
But I want you to know that once you're teenagers I'll no longer want to nag you. I won't tell you how to hold your chopsticks, how to use the toilet, how to brush your teeth, and how to make your bed. I'll want you to make as many of your own choices as you can, and you'll want to too. So while you're still little I'll continue to be a pain in the ass, but bear with me.
Ha, actually, come to think of it, even when you're teenagers I'll probably continue to be a pain in the ass. But know that I love you anyway and I'm just trying to help you not make the same mistakes I made.