"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next."

Saturday, November 9, 2013

2 months old

2 months old and growing. People say that he's quite advanced physically and psychologically for his age. I love it how, when he's wide awake, his eyes get really BIG. Suddenly he's looking at everything in his surroundings. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My extra Spark

Little Kazuma, you have given me one more thing to look forward to every day. Coming home to carry you, to change your diaper, to rock you to sleep; to spend the weekend with you--is a delicious cherry on top of my pie. You have added an extra spark to my world. I love you to pieces!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Update: October 9

My mind is nearly blank now as I sit to write this post--mentally exhausted from the added responsibility of baby's coming. This coming weekend is Kazuma's one-month medical check. Everything that has led up to here from the moment we found out that Fay was pregnant 9 months ago almost feels like it's coming down on me now. 
Then, of course, there's the life I'd like to live which I feel even more limited and unable to with a busier schedule. The goals I set, the time-line for them, and the ambition that propelled them through unideal circumstances, is now completely on hold. And time doesn't stop. 
Meanwhile, Kenji and Deryk's personalities are crystallizing in an increasing measure by the day, perhaps also with this change and added pressure. We're expecting quite a bit more of them, trying to keep them on a tighter leash. All that to say, life has been pretty tough this past while. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Birth of Kazuma

Shimonaka Kazuma was born at 4:14 on a Sunday morning, September 15. He weighed 3950g and was 52cm tall. Suddenly, he became the cutest little thing in my world, and Fay all the more of the admirable woman. I love you both to bits!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 2013 Update

For a little tidbit update, baby is due to arrive in weeks' time. Our room is pretty much set up, and we're preparing ourselves for the biggest event to arrive. Boy, am I nervous!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Holidays

  It's been over a month since I last posted. I underwent a busy streak of completing my drivers license (I mean, like FINALLY!!). It took me 5 and a half months. But it can be done, for all of you fathers of 2 or 3 who work 5+ days a week.
  Our two boys have been doing well. They seem to be enjoying summer holidays to the full, with regular trips to the pool, visiting friends, participating in local festivities, and just good old free time. How I miss free time...

  I think the first step to true fatherhood is the losing of oneself. All desires, dreams, and ambitions need to coincide with your now MOST IMPORTANT role. Your number one desire, dream, and ambition becomes your wife and kids. Otherwise, this highly tedious role will get more difficult by the day, causing remorse, and eventually deep sorrow.
  But if one can nose-dive into this role, there are countless joys to be had. There is nothing that makes a father happier and prouder than a son or daughter who grows up to be an upright citizen of the world. It gives one of the deepest forms of meaning to life.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fay's Birthday Eat-out

Japan vs. Australia game (1-1)

At Sam and Leika's house. Kids picking on Takahiro and laughing their heads off

Happy Birthday babe!!

An eat-out with our boys on Sunday for Fay's birthday

Waiting for the Focaccia and playing Memory

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Promise


Kenji and Deryk, I know that I breathe down your necks while I'm with you. I don't give you your time of day when I come home after work and I find out that you didn't do what you were told. Even in things as small as hiding out in your room playing computer games when you're supposed to be doing your homework I tell you that you lose your entire weekend computer time. Kenji, I lecture you for 20 minutes sometimes when you have an attitude problem. And Deryk, I send you to bed when you can't stop whining. 

But I want you to know that once you're teenagers I'll no longer want to nag you. I won't tell you how to hold your chopsticks, how to use the toilet, how to brush your teeth, and how to make your bed. I'll want you to make as many of your own choices as you can, and you'll want to too. So while you're still little I'll continue to be a pain in the ass, but bear with me. 

Ha, actually, come to think of it, even when you're teenagers I'll probably continue to be a pain in the ass. But know that I love you anyway and I'm just trying to help you not make the same mistakes I made. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friends and Family

The month of April has been a month of visiting friends and family and being visited by them. Sadly, I haven't been faithful to take the camera on every occasion. 

Yakiniku at Aaron and 'Joice's house

Before and After

Sweet unreciprocated love between next door neighbor's daughter and Kenji. Kenji, laden with gifts that gathereth dust on our shelves and windeth up in the trash. But sweet, nonetheless.

Small bbq in front of our house with Josh & Jan and Gene & Lil's. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

March Update

Kite-flying at Castle Park

Easter-egg hunt with a bunch of hooligans

Gakudo Bowling